Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rolling past spring straight into summer...

May has proved to be a very busy month but I'm thinking it will not compare to June! The husband and I have spent just about every free moment planning our June excursions. These begin by meeting one of the husband's best friends in Frankfurt on the 30th of May. The husband has asked me to find something fun for us to do. Ohhh how about the Museum of German Architecture, I have been dying to go to that! To which I get a blank stare and a try again sweetie. So ... still working on that one.

June kicks of with my lovely sister, nieces, and cousin coming to spend two weeks with me. We'll be traveling around Germany and France. I'm really excited about this! I also just found out that my good friend from California will be in France the same time I am! I can't wait to catch up with them.

After the family leaves the husband and I will take off to Stockholm, Sweden for a week. After viewing a few of the Stockholm websites I must admit it looks fabulous! It was also voted the greenest city in the world for 2010. Every resident lives within 300 meters of a green space. That is insane! Perhaps we should look at moving to Stockholm?! Pictures will definitely get posted after this trip.

I recently finished reading Bridges of Madison County. That is a great book. I was sad to find out that Robert Kincaid is just a character... the author made him seem so real especially with the whole "I wrote this book because this story needs to be told blah blah blah." Or maybe I just get to engrossed with characters that I always try to make them real. Who knows.

I also finished Autobiography of a Fat Bride. Oh My Gosh that book was hilarious! I am already searching for Laurie Notaro's other books. I'm pretty sure I freaked the husband out a few times when I appeared to be rolling off the couch from laughing so hard.

Because of the lack of good television broadcasted by AFN we have pretty much stopped watching TV. Not a bad thing... just a weird thing considering how much crap we used to watch. I do watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. I love that show! I wish all of America would wake up and stop feeding themselves and their children crap. The show inspired the husband and I to start eating fresh foods. I also started my own garden which luckily is still alive and actually producing really good stuff!

Well, I have ranted on enough for this week. I'm sure I'll have much more to discuss in a few days as I prepare for my company to arrive! Hope everyone has a great June - Auf Wiedersehen!

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